Press Release

21 July 2017

SASG calls on public to urgently respond to UK Government consultation on Caste

On March 28th 2017, the UK Government opened a public consultation to seek views on “the most effective way to implement a legal ban on caste discrimination”.

Introducing the consultation, found here, the UK Government asks for views on “how best to ensure that there is appropriate legal protection against caste discrimination by formally making caste an aspect of race in the Equality Act 2010 or through developing case law in the courts and employment tribunals”.

As a result of the recent General Election, the consultation has been extended beyond its initial 16 week period, for a further 8 weeks.

The closing date of the consultation is now 18 September 2017, after which no further responses will be accepted.

Human rights campaigners, academics, Dalit community organisations and individuals affected by caste discrimination (represented under ‘Caste in the UK’), all agree that the most effective way to outlaw caste-based discrimination is to add caste to the Equality Act 2010. They have prepared this guidance for completing the consultation.

SASG calls on the public (even if you are not South Asian or affected by caste yourself) to urgently respond to consultation.

Further reading:

