Our activities, events and campaigns are volunteer led and run
Since 1990, South Asia Solidarity Group (SASG) has been an anti-imperialist, anti-racist organization based in Britain where we:
- are committed to supporting, publicising, and building solidarity with people’s struggles for justice and democracy and against exploitation, gender and caste based oppression, imperialism, war and the so-called ‘war on terror’ in the countries of South Asia.
- are involved in developing links between these movements and similar struggles in Britain. Our activities and analysis make the links between the global, US-led ‘war on terror’, neoliberal economic policies which mean corporate plunder of the people and resources of South Asia and the current human rights violations, ruthless policies of ‘austerity’ and intense racism and Islamophobia of the British state.
- aim to develop and project an understanding of the resistance to these processes taking place in South Asia, Britain, and globally from a revolutionary left perspective.
We need your help
Please donate what you can to ensure our work
- continues on a more regular and consistent basis to publicise and build solidarity with people’s struggles for justice, democracy and against exploitation and oppression.
- reaches the widest audiences possible by leveraging social and digital media, photography and film and through the organisation of more activities and events to project people’s struggles and resistance.
Thank you.