- January 29, 2016
- Posted by: admin
- Category: News

On 23rd January, at a debate on UK’s caste legislation organised in Leicester, senior Hindutva figures in the UK hurled insults at Babasaheb Ambedkar the author of the Indian Constitution and openly promoted what they called the ‘position of Brahmans’. Organised by Vichar Manthan a forum for propagating Hindutva ideology, the debate involved two speakers Mr Satpal Muman (CasteWatch UK ) who argued for the implementation of UK’s anti-caste discrimination and Dr Prakash Shah (Queen Mary, University of London) who argued against the anti-caste discrimination law. The debate was chaired by Anuja Prashar former executive board member of the Hindu Council of UK (HCUK)and regular contributor to India Inc a Hindu Right financial and propaganda outlet whose CEO is Manoj Ladhwa (Narendra Modi’s main PR man the UK). Prashar ensured that the challenges to Dr Shah were kept to a minimum, even preventing Mr Muman from taking on his arguments.

Dr Gautam Sen (World Association of Hindu Academicians) who summed up on behalf of Dr Shah declared withsinister belligerence that ‘Brahmans will defend their position [against the law] to the last drop of their blood! ‘ – suggesting shockingly that preventing discrimination on the basis of caste would somehow be an attack on ‘Brahmans’ who needed to discriminate in this way to maintain their position in Britain.
Shortly after the debate ended, with attendees still networking in the hall, Dr Prakash Shah accused Mr Muman of being ‘immoral’ and yelled ‘Ambedkar was an idiot’. For a full report on the event by Mr Satpal Muman :